Early last month (September 2015) I went to this Mosquarium aquarium facility in Moscow and saw these two Air Van food trucks on the approaches to it.
This is the first of the two.
Nice color.
This one sells burgers and hod dogs.
The second one (below) sells Uzbek-themed food under brand name of Chaikhona, pretty big in Moscow.
I think I saw it and reported on it before when it was at a slightly different location.
That time I wrongly identified it as an Airstream camper food truck.
Well, turns out it is not an Airstream but an Air Van and the Russian company that makes them says it is their own development, built and sold by them but acknowledges that they are inspired by the legendary Airstream van.
You can see some wordplay at work here - back and forth between the two languages - English and Russian, such as:
All you need is Plov
I Plove you
Make Plov not war (topical)
Ploveberry (which, the way it is said in Russian, means take plov)
Plov, also Pilav, is more commonly known internationally as Pilaf.